Friday, March 22, 2013

It's official!

Kolby's a big boy! :(

  • He will be starting pre-school in June.
  • He can give hints to this guessing game we play...not just guess from our clues.  You try: it's small and's an "animal," it doesn't make a lives inside and outside (our house)... Answer at the bottom.
  • He cares about others: One morning, he woke up at 5:30 (on a morning he could sleep in) and wanted to play. Of course, neither of his parents did at that hour, so he ended up watching tv in order to be quiet so we could sleep some more.  At about 6:15, the garbage truck came and he will sometimes wake up whining to see the garbage truck..but not this morning... I went to ask him if he wanted to go outside, but got the response, "No Mom. Go back to sleep Mom." Can you believe this kid?
  • He is sleeping in his new big boy bed, in his new room that he decorated himself...and he could not be more excited! He kept saying, "it's gonna be terrific!"
answer: an ant