Saturday, October 24, 2009

Third Trimester!

Wowee, time flies by! I can't believe that it's been 28 weeks already... Doctor appointments will happen every two weeks now. I should expect to gain a pound a week. I've only gained 4 pounds since my initial visit to the doctor to confirm the pregnancy... According to my readings, the baby should be about 2 pounds. Size wise of my belly, doctor says everything is looking good. Too bad there's no weight gain in my boobs :(

...on a side note...Our humble, one-bedroom abode is suffering from growing pains. It doesn't help that I'm a pack rat and have a hard time parting with my material possessions. We're (I'm) going to have trouble making the place "baby-safe" once the baby starts being mobile.

FYI: Maternity pants with the "secret fit belly" (spandex that connects the pants and covers the stomach up to the boobs) is potentially a fashion trend since it gives the tummy a "slimming" effect. I saw it on the "Today Show." (picture from

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