Wednesday, March 10, 2010

2 months already!!

I love to eat, kick, and smile too. I am very strong!! I now weigh 10 pounds, 13 ounces and am 22 inches. No more teeny-tiny newborn diapers anymore - and I don't fit newborn size clothes either (well, depending on the brand...) I got two shots and an oral vaccine at my 2-month check up. I cried only a little because I am a brave boy. :)

Dad, why did you put this on my head?

Hello cousin Kupono!

Great-Grandma Yoshie came to visit me.

Tummy time!

Ma, look at my bracelet! I put it on all by myself!

"Tsudonami" Saturday - woke up early, packed and went to Grandma & Grandpa H's house. I got to play in this swing.

The MAGIC bouncer :) It calms me right down...must be the soothing pink color (LOL)

I found my hand...and suck on my arm sometimes too.

Look at me make bubbles!

1 comment:

  1. aWwW...Kolby and Kupono...sO cute together!! that's my FAvoRitE!
