Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kauai times two!

Trip #1: Discoverers' Day Weekend
Kolten's birthday party @ Anini Beach

Hi Rysan! Check out those waves...

Whoa! Look at all these Pokemon!!

It got a little chilly, so mom put my jacket on me.

Gramma....we're in public!!

Okay, Gramma - I'm ready for that kiss again.

Hey - what is this on my head?

Dad and I are sooo exhausted! Good thing it's time to go home.

Trip #2: two weeks later for Uncle Troy's Graduation (just my dad & me)

I'm baaack!

...and I'm all wound up!

Look at all the lemons on Grandma's tree.

Uncle Troy, you look very handsome in your uniform!

Uncle Chet - whatcha lookin' at?

It's official - Uncle Troy's a police officer!

Congratulations, Uncle Troy!

Just cruisin' at the soccer fields with my cousins Lukas & Cade - oh and Uncle Clarence too!

Cousin Kolten playing soccer and getting an award.

I want to help hold the umbrella too.

Seriously, folks...why do you always put things on my head?

Ranci, what's for dinner?


Congratulations, Uncle Troy - Have fun @ work.

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