Friday, December 28, 2012

#2, 18 weeks

If you didn't already know...SURPRISE - our family is expanding in 2013.

Not that you really want to see another pregnant belly, but I figured I should be fair for baby #2 who might see all the attention that baby #1 had and wonder where his/her spotlight is...  Enjoy it while it lasts baby!
I am much bigger than I was last time around already...people have asked (jokingly, I hope) if it's twins.  We are expecting for his/her debut sometime around May 23.  Fortunately, I haven't had much of the pregnancy side effects other women go through.  (Well, the ones that affect me, such as morning can ask others about the moodiness - haha!)

In about a week, we have an ultrasound appointment when we get to see the baby and hope that he/she is healthy....and of course, the gender.  Stay tuned!  

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