Saturday, January 23, 2010

60 minutes

What could YOU do with 60 minutes? Well, Kolby can go through 6 diapers, 12+ wipes, and 3 outfits...

The other day, Ryan pointed out that Kolby hasn't had a good poop in a while (a day maybe?). He'll have little ones, that barely warrant a diaper change (we change it anyway - gross). After reading the books, it can be normal with breastmilk-fed babies, so nothing to worry about. Then today...

Diaper #1, wipe #1, original outfit: He wouldn't wake up to eat, so we decided to change his diaper.

Tried to nurse for a little while -- he fell asleep, so I kept trying to wake him up by switching breasts, holding him upright to talk to him, whatever might work... the only thing that set off was the machine gun (see previous blog). Okay, so we'll need to change diaper again...but let daddy feed him the bottle first, in case there's more that's going to come out.

Diapers #2-3, wipes #2-6, new onesie: successful feeding, successful burp, okay, time to change diaper -- this is old hat already for daddy -- but of course, Kolby makes it interesting... His mom jinxed it -- she said that he had a light diaper (after all, it was only poop). Then the fireman's hose went off... time to reach for diaper #3 and a new outfit.

I finished pumping the rest of my milk, so it was time for me to play with Kolby while Dad did the dishes, cleaned up, and all that. The machine gun activated again and Dad to the rescue!

Diaper #4, wipes #7-8, same onesie: Dad has the art of diaper changing down pat, Mom still needs practice...

Not more than 10 minutes later...Mom heard that familiar sound yet again -- aww, man! Mom's turn!

Diapers #5-6, wipes #9+, new onesie: I had no idea that a little guy could poop so much... and why did we need 2 diapers on this change? Yup, you got it -- another squirting incident. I really didn't think a "pee pee teepee" was a worthwhile investment, so we've been improvising: a piece of toilet paper to cover the spout. I'm still not convinced a teepee would do the trick either. I guess it would contain the pee instead of letting it squirt freely.

Kolby needs to get a quick nap, then it's time to start the process all over again...hopefully without all the diaper changes.

Okay, on a side note -- I really admire single mothers -- those who do everything on their own. I just don't know how they do it. I am not looking forward to the days when I need to care for Kolby (and myself) on my own, but then again -- it's only for 8-9 hours at a time...

I am soooo grateful that Kolby's Dad is here to take care of both of us. He has really jumped right in to fatherhood and is my emotional support as well. Thank you! ...and to Ryan's mom - for flying in to look after the three of us. We are still enjoying leftovers, but miss her "grandmother-ing" skills and are looking forward to her arrival again. ...and to Kolby's Honolulu grandparents for making us meals as well to make sure we are energized to take care of this precious life... And of course, Thanks to all of our family and friends for checking in on us to make sure we're doing okay. Love you all!

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