Saturday, January 16, 2010

One Week Home!

Welcome to the world little guy! After nearly 40 weeks of living in me, Kolby made his grand debut on the first Thursday morning of the new decade. Thank you so much to the staff at Queen's and Dr. Dao for helping to safely get this miracle out of me.

It all started on
Wednesday. I noticed something different, so I went to the doctor. He asked if I was having contractions and I was unsure... possibly?? He said I was still 1 cm dilated, but my cervix had thinned out compared to what he had expected since I had just been checked 2 days prior. He didn't give any indication that I'd be having regular contractions by that afternoon. Ryan had to come home a little early from work and he sat restlessly in agony with me for about 2 hours while we timed the contractions... Ryan was so anxious that he felt like the doctor should be notified already. Anyway, we made it to the hospital, but there wasn't any parking! Poor stressed Ryan was now faced with taking care of me and trying to quickly find parking! We finally got to a Labor & Delivery Room at about 7:30 and they monitored me -- only 2 cm dilated, but the contractions were regular, so we got admitted and by 11, I was 4 cm and got an epidural...I couldn't handle the pain anymore. I was able to rest comfortably, but the room was freezing! My water still had not broken, but I ended up with a fever! The nurses were getting nervous! I had a temperature of 102, but was still cold. I had to take Tylenol and they put ice packs on me. They even gave me antibiotics via IV...and called the on-call doc to come and break my water. By the time he arrived, my water had broken on its own. By 8 am, my epidural had worn off and I could tell that the time was near. The nurse suggested I try to handle the pain so I can push through the contractions. I can't remember what time they had me start pushing, but I wasn't pushing for very long. [Thank you to those of you who were hoping for an easy and quick labor - your wishes were much appreciated.] I even had to stop pushing and just breathe through the contractions so the doctor had time to come. By the time he came, it was 2 pushes and baby was placed on my chest!

Thank you to everyone who came to visit. We appreciate all the goodies too!

"I'm ready to go home...

...and see my Sakaguchi family! Thank you for flying in to see me!"

I love my Grandma Nan!

daddy giving me my first bath...ahhhh...

aren't I silly when I sleep?

Where are the stripes on my mittens and hat?

I'm watching you... see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww!!! Kolby looks so peaceful. Can't wait to visit you.
    And I am very impressed to hear that Ryan is just jumping right into Fatherhood. The first bath was scary for me.
    Glad to hear everyone is well!
    Aunt Wen
