Saturday, June 19, 2010

So Many Firsts!

This month, I did so many things for the first time:I slept in my crib. (Thank you Lucas' for letting me use the crib.)

Picnic @ Foster Botanical Garden with Auntie Rachel and Gabrielle (and Auntie Mirjana too, but she's not in the picture).

Picnic @ Moanalua Gardens with Mom & Dad (more pics of this later)

Not a first, but a cute picture :) I have learned to roll over onto my back though...and "creep" to things that I want so I can put them in my mouth.

Auntie Arlene came from California to visit with me. Aren't we cute together?

Uncle Akira (and Auntie Julie) came over to watch a fight with my Daddy.

...well, actually, something IS wrong -- I have a fever!
What you lookin' at? Where's my teether?

...never mind, these work better.

Here's my first tooth coming in -- no wonder I had a fever and the need to massage my gums. Stop trying to look at it -- it bothers me.

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