Saturday, August 28, 2010

Even more friends!

Why am I wearing this hood? I'm indoors!

Look at all these new friends:
Chloe, Kalani, Kelis, Mikela, and Eli
I met them at Auntie Elissa's house. We had a BBQ with her friends.

Auntie Michelle, I'm scared...Uncle Boz wants to eat me.

I seem to always be surrounded by girls!

Look at what Chloe and I found.

I bless you, my child.

Hey, I'm not a pillow!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Play Date

Finally, a play date with a boy! On Monday, August 16, I hung out with GGma, Kupono, Auntie D, and Angie.

Look at me climb!

Read to me a story, GGma. Read to me aloud.

Where are you going Kupono? The yummy green piggy is over here!

Look how many teeth Kupono has - I'm catching up!

Found GGma's purse.

Let's read the book together. Next page... Ummm, why are you sitting me?

This pink pool toy is so much fun! Can't wait to play with it in the water!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Woo hoo!

I got more teeth! Must keep my pearly whites nice and shiny.

Kylie made me a bead lei. I love to stand and walk, but I can't do it alone.

I'm a good boy - I go to anybody :)

Nice shoes Kylie and Jace!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Koganji Temple Bon Dance

Tonight, I went to my first Bon Dance! I had lots of fun and danced too. Did you know that the purpose of the dancing is to show our ancestors (who have passed on) that we are happy and healthy?

We bumped into Sarah and her parents, but Sarah why are you sleeping? There's so much going on!

G-gma, Auntie Wen, Micah, & Uncle Al came too! Micah loved the excitement of the dancing and the taiko drums!

Here we (Uncle Al, Micah, Mom, and I) are dancing the Pokemon Ondo!
Cori & Kylie came to dance with us too!

Thank you, Auntie Gerri for the scrips, t-shirt, and for sharing this picture.

Another month older!

I turned 7 months old today! No doctor's appointment until I'm 9 months old, so I don't know my latest stats - sorry! I have spent a week at the sitter's. She loves me and I love watching all the other kids! Here are more pictures for you to enjoy. Soon, there won't be as many since Mom will be back at work :(

I love sweet potato - it makes nice art! What is this on my nose?

Hello, hello!!

I don't like my face getting wet - grr...
and stop bothering me when I am taking a bath!

Free admission to the gun show.

For my safety, I play in a gated community now. Mommy came home and saw that there were two occupants in the enclosure! Peek-a-boo, I see you!

We had dinner @ the Lucas' house for Auntie Tara's Yakudoshi. Auntie Jodi came too! "Uncle Kawika, look over there - we're getting our picture taken!" I love balloons! I had never seen one before, but as soon as I saw it, I jumped at it from Dad's arms!

Check out my new kicks! Who's ready to go running? Notice my new trick? I love to stick out my tongue!

I'm strengthening my leg muscles so I can stand all by myself! Look! I can, I can! Now, all I need is balance!