Another month older!
I turned 7 months old today! No doctor's appointment until I'm 9 months old, so I don't know my latest stats - sorry! I have spent a week at the sitter's. She loves me and I love watching all the other kids! Here are more pictures for you to enjoy. Soon, there won't be as many since Mom will be back at work :(
I love sweet potato - it makes nice art! What is this on my nose?
Hello, hello!!
I don't like my face getting wet - grr...
and stop bothering me when I am taking a bath!
Free admission to the gun show.
For my safety, I play in a gated community now. Mommy came home and saw that there were two occupants in the enclosure! Peek-a-boo, I see you!
We had dinner @ the Lucas' house for Auntie Tara's Yakudoshi. Auntie Jodi came too! "Uncle Kawika, look over there - we're getting our picture taken!" I love balloons! I had never seen one before, but as soon as I saw it, I jumped at it from Dad's arms!
Check out my new kicks! Who's ready to go running? Notice my new trick? I love to stick out my tongue!
I'm strengthening my leg muscles so I can stand all by myself! Look! I can, I can! Now, all I need is balance!
You're a pretty good writer, but I guess the subject is easy to write about.