Monday, August 2, 2010

In the Blink of an Eye

Kolby is almost 7 months old now -- that means that I (Kristi) have been home for 7 months plus a little. I can't believe that it's almost time for me to go back to work. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time home with the little boy. Thank you to my dear husband for allowing me to stay home while he went to work to earn the money and support our family. I've been able to watch Kolby grow, learn new things, and witness all the magic that happens oh so quickly.

Today was his first official day with the sitter, Auntie Susan. He woke up early, all excited to start a new adventure. The morning started like any other: change diaper, play with his toys while I make his breakfast, eat, brush teeth, then get ready. As soon as we got to Auntie Susan's, we could hear the four other children (2 & 3 year olds) scream "Baby! The baby's here!" Kolby went to the sitter, gave me a quick glance, then looked all around.

The children were so excited and so loving towards him. One boy tickled his toes, another girl played peek-a-boo with him, and they all shared the toys with him. From a mother's point-of-view it was great to see their welcoming of a new friend. I stuck around for a little while talking to the sitter and interacting with the kids too.

It was hard to leave, but I knew I had to and he was in good hands. I gave Kolby a quick hug and kiss good-bye, then exited without looking back. It was harder on me than on him. I half-joked around with people that after leaving Kolby at the sitter, I'd go to the car to cry until it was time to pick him up. I was strong until I called Ryan from the car to let him know how positively things went.

I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things - all for Kolby to use at the sitter's house (bowls, lotion, sunscreen, etc.) Then I went home to take a shower and then I called Auntie Susan to hear how things were going because I had anticipated on picking him up at around 10 (one and a half hours later). She said he was doing great, only fussed once because he wanted a toy. I decided to leave him there until after my "Monday Lunch" with my cousin, auntie, and grandma.

All throughout lunch I couldn't keep my mind off of Kolby. I tried to eat quickly so I could go and pick up my boy. I knew that naptime started at 1:30, so I needed to get there before that. As soon as lunch was done, I raced to my car, then zipped on over to Auntie Susan's.

All the kids were tired from a busy morning, so they started naptime early. Kolby was in a playpen with a big grin, legs and arms waving as I walked through the door. Auntie Susan said he was "a perfect baby on his first day." I hope he'll always have a stellar report card :)

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