Wednesday, December 22, 2010

November 20, 2010

DII State Championship Semifinal football game:
'Iolani vs. Kauai High @ 'Iolani
Final score: 14-0 Congratulations RAIDERS! (LOL!)

This was my first live football game ever!
Thank you, Auntie Amy, for keeping us shaded with your huge umbrella!
Hey, Uncle Don - what's happening? Teach me the game of football & golf too!

Off to Grandma & Grandpa's house:

It's bocha time again and mommy gets to play with the underwater feature on her camera.

If you haven't figured it out yet, his fave bath toy is the orange whale cup.

All clean! Time to play and get all sweaty again!

Tuckered out from a very eventful day...fell asleep on the car ride home holding a "toy" that grandma gave him.
He's getting very attached to toys recently and fusses when you try to take them away.
Luckily he fell asleep and it was easy this time!

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