Friday, December 18, 2009

Any day now...

...just so you can see the "scale" of my growth, I've worn the same top almost everytime. So, I guess you can say I've finally outgrown it. LOL. This is week 36 and I went to the doctor today. In case anyone's keeping track, total weight gain: 15.5 pounds. I'm also about 1 cm dilated. Hopefully baby hangs on for another 20-something days. I think we're ready -- just the house is a mess.

On the 15th of December, I went to get a fetal echocardiogram and came back with good news! Baby's heart looks and sounds fine. They usually like to do this procedure when the baby is 20-22 weeks old because baby isn't too big, so it was a little hard to truly give the "thumbs up," but he cooperated nicely. Hopefully he'll be that way outside of the womb too. :) Technology is amazing! The technician took a lot of measurements and was able to tell me that baby weighs 5 pounds 12 ounces. When the technician focused on the heart, she was able to look at the different chambers, especially connective tissue. She was also able to listen to the different beats of the heart just by pointing the cursor to different spots on the heart - some beats were high pitched others low.

Our son even showed off his family jewels. Auntie Diane commented that it looks big and Ryan replied, "Of course it is."

We were also able to see awesome images of baby's face. What will technology be able to do next?

Next doctor's appointment: Next week Wednesday! Another update then, hopefully.

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