Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ego Check

We went to get our car seat fitting today. Ryan had installed the seat last weekend in about 15 minutes after browsing through both the car & car seat manuals. He said it was a piece of cake -- nothing to it -- he'd be very surprised if he were wrong and it wasn't installed properly. He was confident that the whole process was fool proof - put the seat in the middle, use the latch system and boom, it's done. The seat was level (according to the indicator) and felt securely in place.

On the drive to the "inspection," I asked Ryan if he felt hurt that we were doing this. He, of course, said yes, but knew that it was for the best. I joked that I'd drop him off somewhere and pick him up after... As soon as the inspector saw the installation, he saw two things wrong...but was very nice about it. He said that they were common mistakes and taught us A LOT about things to look for to make it safe in case we need to change cars. He tried all kinds of different scenarios to see which worked best in my Rav. Ryan got involved in helping to install it. I wish I had my remember how much effort it took TWO of them to get to sit right in the car.

I really hope we don't need to remove the base -- ever! The whole process took about an hour and I already don't remember all the little things to remember... Good thing it was very easy to schedule an appointment :)

P.S. Today starts week 35 -- I can't believe how fast time has flown by! I think we're ready :) I hope we're ready!

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