Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We hope Santa treated you well this year. We are definitely spoiled with all the love and support of family and friends.

It's been 37 weeks - almost 38 - and Kristi's still 1 cm dilated with a "pretty huge" belly according to those around her. Aren't you glad Kristi's not wearing the same white tank top anymore? ;) We'd really like it if the baby would stay tight for at least another 8 days (14 -16 would be preferable). He moves a lot and has lots of hiccups! Kristi also wakes up at least twice a night to potty and her right foot is swollen. Is that normal for only one foot to be swollen? Nonetheless, we're doing well and can't wait to see the little guy as much as you!

We still haven't decided on a name yet. Hopefully we'll be inspired when we see him! Happy Ho-Ho-Holidays!

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