Thursday, March 24, 2011

Christmas Goodies!

I tried to sneak my favorite ornament (Snoopy that dances to "Linus and Lucy") with us to Kauai.

After we got home from Kauai, I opened presents that were under our tree. Mom and Dad got me this cool fridge that sings :) "Put some water in the sink. If you're thirsty, pour a drink. Clean the dishes, fill the pan. Don't forget to wash your hands."

...then on New Year's Eve, I went to Grandma & Grandpa's house in Honolulu to open more presents! Don't you like this shirt that Auntie Sharon made?

Opening presents is so much fun!

This "CARS" plate and bowl set was one of my favorite toys! Once I opened it, I pulled the bowl out and held tightly on to it.

...until I saw my "Fridge Farm!" I love to press the chick and dance, and smile, and dance some more.
Opening presents sure does wear one out...
Thank you to everyone for helping me enjoy my first Christmas!

Now it's time to help peel eggs for the New Year's Eve celebration dinner. We're making deviled eggs.

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