Saturday, March 26, 2011

One-Year-Old Antics


Look at this cool toy...yeah, the treehouse one too! Haha!

Check out my drawing skills :)

I love ice cream!
I'm hatching a ball.

Morning hair and I told you I get into everything!

I bocha in a big boy tub now....and my favorite word is "turtle."
It used to be "fish," but now everything is a "turtle."
Can you spot the turtle?

I sit in a big boy car seat. After Dad took it out of the box, I hopped in all on my own with my book and started to read.

Dad made me a house out of my car seat and diaper box.

Come on Grandpa, stop teasing me...

Haircut #3 and I am not happy...

...but look how handsome I am!

I feed myself & pray before the UH baseball game with Dad.

Helping Grandma line the muffin tin and eating a cold, sour popsicle!

My Valentine's puppy! Puppy love!

I learned that it's lots of fun to go 'round and 'round the table leg.

'Till next time!!

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